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Exploring Early Canadian History: Grade 5 Social Studies Unit on Indigenous-European Interactions

Exploring Early Canadian History: Grade 5 Social Studies Unit on Indigenous-European Interactions

Regular price $2.50 CAD
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Dive into the rich tapestry of Canada's early history with this engaging Grade 5 social studies unit! Students will embark on a captivating journey as they analyze the interactions between Indigenous peoples and Europeans prior to 1713, exploring the short- and long-term consequences, perspectives from various groups, and significant features of these interactions. Through inquiry-based learning, multimedia presentations, and thoughtful discussions, students will gain a deeper understanding of Canada's heritage and identity. This unit includes dynamic activities, social emotional learning integration, technology integration, modifications for special needs, and assessments for each day, culminating in a meaningful project that showcases their historical insights.

Grade 5, Social Studies, Canadian History, Indigenous Peoples, Europeans, Interactions, Inquiry-Based Learning, Multimedia Presentations, Social Emotional Learning, Technology Integration, Special Needs Modifications, Curriculum Resources, Online Learning

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